Installation: Configuration

General considerations #

To configure a Hugo website using the theme, there are three types of configuration:

TypeConfiguration file
Standard Hugo configuration./config.toml
Specific configuration using site variables./config.toml
Default theme configuration.themes/shadocs/data/themeParams.toml

Specific configuration #

config.toml ([params] section)
  # Website logo file paths
  logo                    = "images/logo.png"
  logoTouch               = "images/logoTouch.png"
  # Image file path displayed during a 404 error
  image404                = "images/404.gif"
  # Favicon website file path
  favicon                 = "images/favicon.png"
  # Default layout used for the homepage
  homeLayout              = "onboarding"
  # Site content order (
  siteContentOrder        = "weight"
  # Activate/Deactivate the table of contents globally (sitewide)
  toc                     = true
  # Activate a global banner on all website pages
  globalBanner            = true
  # Curent version of the website
  currentVersion          = "latest"
  # Url of the latest version of the website
  latestVersionUrl        = ""
  # Enforce Link resolution using relref function (
  enforceRefrelLinks      = true
  # Keyboard shortcuts list
  # For each shortcut following keys must be sets:
  # - keys     = [Keyboard shortcuts table](
  # - function = "Javascript function name to call by the shortcut"
    # Example shortcut definition
      keys     = ["Shift","1"]
      function = "scExample"
  # Taxonomies list
  # For each taxonomy following keys can be sets:
  # - icon = "Fontawesome classes associated to the taxonomy"
      icon = "fa-solid fa-table-cells"
  # Assets list ( to include
  # Managed assets:
  # - sass                  = [List of SASS files]
  # - css                   = [List of CSS files]
  # - js                    = [List of javascript files]
  # - jsModules             = [List of javascript modules]
  # - shortcodes.css        = [List of CSS files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
  # - shortcodes.js         = [List of javascript files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
  # - shortcodes.jsModules  = [List of javascript module files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
  # - fencedcodes.css       = [List of CSS files to includes when the associated language of fenced code exist in the page content]
  # - fencedcodes.js        = [List of javascript files to includes when the associated language of fenced code exist in the page content]
  # - fencedcodes.jsModules = [List of javascript module files to includes when the associated language of fenced code exist in the page content]
    sass = [
    css = [
    js = [
    jsModules = [
    shortcode1 = [
    shortcodeX = [
    shortcode1 = [
    shortcodeX = [
    shortcode1 = [
    shortcodeX = [
    shortcode1 = [
    shortcodeX = [
    shortcode1 = [
    shortcodeX = [
    shortcode1 = [
    shortcodeX = [
    shortcode1 = [
    shortcodeX = [

Default theme configuration #

# GitHub links displayed in the information modal
  main = ""
  download = ""
  issue = ""
  fork = ""
# Miscellaneous sidebar parameters
  homeSectionIconDefault = "fa-solid fa-house-chimney"
  firstSectionIconDefault = "fa-solid fa-ban"
  nestedSectionIconDefault = "fa-solid fa-turn-up fa-rotate-90 fa-xs"
# List of theme keyboard shortcuts
# For every shortcut the following keys are sets:
# - keys     = [Table of keyboard shortcut keys] (
# - function = "Name of the javascript function to call for the shortcut"
    keys = ["Shift","i"]
    function = "scShowInfo"
    keys = ["Shift","k"]
    function = "scShowShortcuts"
    keys = ["Shift","h"]
    function = "scGoHome"
    keys = ["Shift","f"]
    function = "scGoSearch"
    keys = ["Shift","m"]
    function = "scToggleSidebar"
    keys = ["Shift","t"]
    function = "scToggleToc"
    keys = ["Shift","ArrowUp"]
    function = "scBackToTop"
    keys = ["Shift","ArrowDown"]
    function = "scGoToBottom"
    keys = ["Shift","p"]
    function = "scPrint"
    keys = ["Shift","q"]
    function = "scQrCode"
    keys = ["Escape"]
    function = "scCloseModals"
# Assets list ( to include
# Managed assets:
# - sass                  = [List of SASS files]
# - css                   = [List of CSS files]
# - js                    = [List of javascript files]
# - jsModules             = [List of javascript modules]
# - shortcodes.sass       = [List of SASS files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
# - shortcodes.css        = [List of CSS files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
# - shortcodes.js         = [List of javascript files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
# - shortcodes.jsModules  = [List of javascript module files to includes when the associated shortcode exist in the page content]
  sass = [
  css = [
  js = [
  jsModules = [
    collapsible = [
    mermaid = [
    intro = [
    treeview = [
    openapi = [
    openapi = [
    asyncapi = [
    openapi = [
# Miscellaneous shortcodes parameters
      default     = "fa-solid fa-circle-question"
      dir         = "fa-solid fa-folder"
      file        = "fa-solid fa-file"
      home        = "fa-solid fa-house-chimney"
      page        = "fa-solid fa-file-lines"
      section     = "fa-solid fa-folder-tree"
      taxonomy    = "fa-solid fa-tags"
      term        = "fa-solid fa-tag"
      archive     = "fa-solid fa-file-zipper"
      image       = "fa-solid fa-file-image"
      video       = "fa-solid fa-file-video"
      script      = "fa-solid fa-file-code"
      dockerfile  = "fa-brands fa-docker"
      pdf         = "fa-solid fa-file-pdf"
      powerpoint  = "fa-solid fa-file-powerpoint"
      excel       = "fa-solid fa-file-excel"
      csv         = "fa-solid fa-file-csv"
      word        = "fa-solid fa-file-word"