Markdown: Emphasis

Emphasis #

Italic text #

To define an italic text, include it between 1 star (*) or 1 underscore (_).

I'm in *italic*
I'm in <em>italic</em>
I’m in italic
Warning, for compatibility reasons between the several markdowns syntaxes, it is recommended to use the stars syntax rather than the underscores one.

Bold text #

To define a bold text, include it between 2 stars (*) or 2 underscores (_).

I'm in **bold**
I'm in <strong>bold</strong>
I’m in bold
Warning, for compatibility reasons between the several markdowns syntaxes, it is recommended to use the stars syntax rather than the underscores one.

Italic and bold text #

To define an italic and bold text, include it between 3 star (*) or 3 underscore (_).

I'm in ***italic and bold***
I'm in <em><strong>italic and bold</strong></em>
I’m in italic and bold
Warning, for compatibility reasons between the several markdowns syntaxes, it is recommended to use the stars syntax rather than the underscores one.

Strikethrough text #

To define a strikethrough text, include it between 2 tilde (~).

I'm ~~strikethrough~~
I'm <del>strikethrough</del>
I’m strikethrough